Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny Playthrough - Pt.2 || Duel Machine 2 & 3

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny



We now jump from Forbidden Memories on the PS1 to The Dawn of Destiny on the Xbox. Definitely one of the more expensive and hard to find games in the series (the PAL version is at least). Unfortunately The Dawn of Destiny has no story mode, instead it plays very similarly to World Championship Tournament 2004 in which you simply do duel after duel. This was technically a sequel to Forbidden Memories and actually uses some assets from the game (at lot of the sound effects are identical and are often simply just used again). You get a horrible starting deck and there is no password option like in Forbidden Memories. Instead you beat your opponent and choose a statue, either Obelisk, Ra or Slifer. The statue which is more closely affillitated with your opponent grants you better cards (Yu-Gi and Slifer for example will yield better cards). You only start with Duel Machine 1-3 in single duel mode but the game also introduces an innovative Triple Duel mode allowing you to play 3 opponents ...
