【 Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand 】 Final Boss: Jabir

Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand



Translation patch by Aeon Genesis: http://agtp.romhack.net/project.php?id=ys5 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjut10T8wsbl02jXyHtmZvl_2pzrS_f_ Final Boss: Jabir Adol proceeds to the resting place of the Philosopher's Stone. There he frees the Ibur Gang and Niena, and confronts Rizze in front of the Stone itself. Niena tries to explain to Rizze the reasoning behind Kefin's containment, about the destructive power of the Philosopher's Stone, but Rizze's Mind remains set on restoring the pride of Kefin and showing its strength to the world. It's then that the alchemist Jabir finally makes his appearance, applauding Rizze's commitment to his cause. Niena calls him out on being corrupted by alchemy, but her words fall on deaf ears as he strikes back with said power. Stein intervenes to save Niena from harm, yet she still stands up to the alchemist, entrusting Adol to defeat the alchemist's ambitions. With no other options, Jabir uses his alchemy combined with the power...
