【 Ys: The Oath in Felghana 】 Final Boss: Galbalan (Nightmare Mode)

Ys: The Oath in Felghana



Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL46DC7F8B844AE769 Final Boss: Galbalan, Sinister Marauder From Afar Nightmare Mode Adol descends into the Seat of Evil, finding Elena as the last bit of energy needed is drained from her into Galbalan. The ancient being awakens, recognizing Genos' sword in Adol's hands. He curses those whom imprisoned him, as well as mentions how he can achieve the former heights of his power. Chester is able to save Elena as its monologue continues, leaving Adol, Genos' sword in hand, to face the terror known as Galbalan. ════════════════════════════ Galbalan offers one of the more notoriously difficult fights in the series. His arsenal is large, but it's how he randomizes what he does that makes him truly threatening. From the start, he bombards you with orbs that track you pretty well and move quickly, threatening to shut you down pretty fast. His second attack is two waves of flames which can...
