vib-ripple 100% - World 1 - Stages 9 to 12


2015-02-16 00:17:55 en 0


Memory stages! As you can imagine, this line of stages will require good memorization, because the pictures are clutters of candy! Oh yeah, and there are a lot of Petas. Stage 9: Believe it or not, this is the easiest of the memory stages, just because the candies are all clumped up together. There's also no Boonchie spots, which is a plus! Stage 10: Now here's why having the candy clumped up together is a good thing; you don't have to check for the seemingly-empty spots. Yes, they hid Petas on the white space. To make matters worse, there are a LOT of Boomchie spots, which can make a things hectic if you want to do my way of 100%! Good thing the majority of them are so close to each other you can avoid them as you wish. Stage 11: You thought Stage 10 was bad? How about having potentially several Petas in each worm? Or even several BOOMCHIES in each worm? Plus two Boomchies so close to you from the start? Stage 12: Just a harder Stage 9. Not as bad as the other two stages, especial...
