The Lab by Valve - Oculus Rift | In-Depth Gameplay

The Lab



The Lab is the best mixed experience available at the moment! Several different scenes allow you to see a variety of the technologies capabilities and each has very unique differences. Very happy that I could play this with the DK2 and Razer Hydras! I know that this is only x100 better on the proper hardware!) Trust me if I had a Vive I would use it!! Quick Message From RCVR! "Thanks for watching my video, really I mean it! I hope it had enough silliness to make you laugh, but not too much that I annoyed the crap out of you. Last thing I wanna do is scream in your ear and piss you off... you're my friend and I want you to come back and see more of my vidz)) I plan on releasing all types of different videos in a variety of formats, almost always related to technology or gaming, but sometimes it will be about real life and interesting topics that I want to take on. As I said before I really appreciate your view, feel free to message me or comment if you would like any help with product...
