TAS/TAP PSX Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero - in 28.50.6 thevlackdemonn2294

Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero



Watch in your mobile: http://www.mediafire.com/?lbd8sol8c4mg704 (3gp) Tool Assisted Speedrun played by vlack(thevlackdemonn2294). MKTSZ released around 1997 and It is the first Mortal Kombat game to feature side-scrolling gameplay.The game brings storyline centers around the original Sub-Zero in an adventure to defeat Quan Chi from retrieving an amulet that would free the fallen Elder God Shinnok. So sit down to watching this amazing movie. * READ BELOW PLEASE!!! Tool assisted are videos produced on specials emulators. This " special " means have addition tools to play the game that in the case are slowmotion, frameadvance and save/load state ( they are basic tools ). There is not none file cheat or game modification involved. No way, TAS runs are to say that this videos is the real skill of the author, because they are different worlds. when you watching a TAS video all what you see as tricks glitches and stuff are 100% done on a real console, however by a unhuman skill. Following t...
