Tales of Eternia- Final Boss: Nereid Shizel [NIND/Hardcore Mode]

Tales of Eternia

2012-02-12 00:17:12 en 0


No Items, No Death Shizel by herself is pretty easy. At this point in the game she puts up less of a fight than the summon spirits. She has her typical spells, invincible/damaging casting, and her only physical moves are minor annoyances. Her orb means protects her front and forces you to attack at range or get over her, and her laser streaks up the field BUT becomes deactivated if you hit her (with Sonic Blade or the like) before it tags you. Her big thing is Eternal Finality, but Reid takes care of that. The second stage is BS. It's one of the few times doing these runs that I genuinely had to struggle to win, even on this final take. Granted, it's also one of the many inconvenient times where I overlooked a detail which made a significant difference, and goes to show again that mistakes can happen to anyone. Between doing Nereid's Labyrinth and this I equipped Max's default weapon for reasons unknown... which means that Max, the main damage dealer, is dishing out about half d...
