Super Robot Taisen F - Sega Saturn Gameplay Sample

Super Robot Wars F



Publisher: Banpresto Developer: Banpresto Release Date: September 25, 1997 Alternative Title: スーパーロボット大戦F 4th Super Robot Taisen was originally released as the last of the "classic storyline", however when the Saturn and the PlayStation came out, it was decided to release F and F Final as the official ending of the series, replacing SRT4. SRT F and F Final aren't so much as a remake as they are a new game that uses elements from SRT4. The basic story is still the same however. Super Robot Taisen F introduces bonuses based on relationships with different pilots/characters. Introduced as well is the popular Neon Genesis Evangelion mechas. The Eva units play a bit differently. They have an umbilical cable that acts as their power supply - if this cord is detached or severed, if leaves them with a limited amount of time to act. The Eva units also have an AT Field that (more or less) acts as a shield. The Angels (the Eva's enemies) also have an AT Field. Graphically...
