PSX Longplay [001] Metal Gear Solid (part 1 of 2)

Metal Gear Solid


Descripción Played By: RickyC METAL GEAR! awesome series, not played since forever so i didn't play that good and only on normal. I get the good ending but add the bad ending on at the end. I forgot how good the voice acting is on this! Could not get this emulation right to save my life! thought it be way easier, so there are glitches in this video. I normally solve the glitch later on though. THe worst is the stealth slowdown, the random image during president baker, some other slowdown during the lift. Oh and in some cut scenes the filter screws up i think, so people look blurry for that bit. Shouldnt of used filters but i didnt know much about them when i started the recording. Lastly, i had to run though this a couple of times because of the game crashing and me not using proper saves! So my equipment might change at some point and the end results won't be accurate to what you have seen. By the end i had a million files so i hope i edited them together ...
