(Ps3) Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Gameplay (Masamune date)

Sengoku Basara



I discovered after playing the demo, buying the game months later and playing it several times including last night for this video; that the Sengoku Basara series has been around since the PS2. This is a great game. 5 Star A+ very enjoyable game. That said. I tried to read a newspaper while eating after playing for an extended period of time and my eye balls were just bouncing around so much I had trouble. There is just so much fast action that it probably literally would kill one of those people that the games warn not to play if they have a problem with seizure due to fast moving images. I do play it at highly intense pace, but that is how it is meant to be. I tried to slow my pace and be more exacting with my actions, but found highly intense to be the prefered method, and also ultimately how it is meant to be played. You rank up each character with new moves and find or unlock weapons and perks. This character is at rank 42 which only took around 2 hours of gameplay which...
