Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough Part 53 - The Final Battle

Pokémon Black and White



Well, the ending is finally here, and man is it long and drawn out and dull. I apologize for how long this video is and for how much it drags. I was tempted to just refilm it but that was a lot of work considering I already saved and I would have had to practically replay the whole game. Heads up on my next walkthrough as announced, Ocarina of Time 3DS is my next project. I have a busy week at school and this walkthrough requires a lot of time at the beginning as I get used to my new setup. I would love to have part one up by Saturday, I doubt this will happen and will most likely be the following weekend. I may upload a run of Touhou 13 to fill some space while I have some time to get ready for the next walkthrough. I will edit this description or my most recent video description, or facebook and twitter should any news arise. In regards to the contest, at the bottom of the description is a link to the post with the winner of the contest. I will be contacting that person ...
