Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies - Turnabout Reclaimed Finale

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies



Subscribe to the Show: AA5 Giveaway Over. Update Video Coming Soon Why is it in cases like these that I feel bad for everyone involved. I can't understand it. I really can't. At least this case here, it has a happy ending. A happy ending for everyone. Also, beating this case also nets you the Nostalgic Sweater outfit. I'm showing that in an extra video. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies Special Case: Turnabout Reclaimed This case takes place between Cases 2 and 3 serving it as an interquel for this game. We've seen Phoenix Wright defend numerous clients in the many years he served as a defense attorney. But nothing comes close to what happens in this case. Upon regaining his attorney's badge, Phoenix takes the request of a whale trainer to prove the innocence of an orca aka killer whale whose accused of murder. But even when he succeeds, he finds himself involved in a serious dilemma involving an incident where someone had died a year ago in the sa...
