Persona 4 Full HD gameplay on PCSX2

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4



PCSX2, the Playstation 2 emulator for the PC, gameplay video Website: Forums: Game info: Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4 Region: NTSC Real ingame FPS: 60/60 Compatibility: Fully Playable Location: Steamy Bathhouse Known Issues: Some minor color issues on certain enemies System Specs: Windows 7 SP1 x64 Intel Corei5 2500k @ 4,3 GHz EVGA GeForce 9800GTX+ 512MB Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3 RAM 1600Mhz, 9-9-9-24 PCSX2 configuration: PCSX2 0.9.9 SVN rev 4938 GSdx v0.1.16 (AVX) SVN rev 4944 (DX10 Hardware, Texture Filtering) Internal Resolution: 2560x1788 (4x native, which in this case is 640x447) SPU2-X v2.0.0 SVN rev 4872 Lilypad v0.10.0 SVN rev 4929 USBnull,FWnull,DEV9null Recommended speed hacks on, MTVU on Automatic Game Fixes on
