My First Playing in Gundam Breaker (PS3)

Gundam Breaker



On Friday, I got my copy from Play-Asia within 8 days, quickly played 2 tutorial missions without touching its Beta for a long while, that I forgot some buttons and made me have in a little trouble fighting that MG Zaku II (lol), and uploaded this video, leaving-and-burning my laptop once again all day (=w="). How was this full version? - Controlling to slash catches a target on sight faster and easier. You can adjust to switch between firing and slashing manually or automatically by going to Option menu. Also, lock-on function can be locked-off and go slashing freely like recent Gundam Musou series and back to lock-on again by pressing R3 Button... (Weird choice of lock-on anyway. I cannot change buttons at Option menu. - -") - (Didn't show in this video.) Bazooka rapid firing trick by pressing between Square and Triangle Buttons is edited. I can shoot Zaku Bazooka only 3 shots at one time, but in the beta, I could shot consequently. - You can change your pilot suit both male and fem...
