Medal of Honor: Frontline - Ending (PS2)

Medal of Honor: Frontline



This is "Stealing the Show", the final level of Medal of Honor: Frontline for the PS2. Man, what a game. Medal of Honor: Frontline has a fantastic ending sequence, and it feels very symbolic. This was arguably the last "great" Medal of Honor game, and this game shows that with Jimmy flying off into the morning sunrise. It feels heroic and sad at the same time, but Electronic Arts Los Angelos didn't intend for the latter. You see, Frontline came out at about the time when EA stopped giving a damn about its games' quality. The infinite-sequel machine kicked off soon after this game was released, and as a result Medal of Honor took a serious dip in quality and fun. It is popular opinion that Allied Assault was the apex of the Medal of Honor series, but I strongly disagree. Frontline, for all of its technical flaws, was the culmination of everything great in the Medal of Honor series and it pulled it off very well. Frontline, despite its serious subject matter, is a very fun game that k...
