Icewind Dale : Enhanced Edition - Yxunomei (Solo Sorcerer on Insane Difficulty)

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition

2015-09-10 00:06:43 0


My solo Sorcerer vs. Yxunomei, the Marilith, on Insane difficulty. I decided to showcase two ways to beat her: The first is without using the spell Improved Invisibility, and the second is with it. I consider this spell very powerful, but it seems a bit like cheating since Yxunomei and the priests and mages basically stand about doing nothing. Not really challenging at all. Just seems like an exploit, so I beat it the first time without the spell. Spell Immunity also makes this fight trivial since you can become immune to Dispel Magic, but I didn't bother with that one since it seems rather exploitative as well. On Insane she has more allies (including three Mages that teleport in after the fight starts) and far more traps are placed on the floor, making the battle really tricky. The Priests are honestly the worst thing to worry about for one reason alone : Dispel Magic. With one casting all of your defenses will be stripped away instantaneously, regardless if you run away or not. I t...
