Game Boy Longplay [023] Pokemon Red (part 1 of 5)

Pokémon Red and Blue


Descripción Played by: Spazbo4 Well it took me a while but I loved every second of it, except for the beginning because I had to train constantly or else I wouldn't get past the first badge with my Charmander, usually when I fight Misty I lose a lot but somehow I got really lucky and beat her. At the very end I glitch up the game to catch mew, just as an easter egg showing there is a way to catch it, but you have to glitch the game or go back in time by about 10 years and get it when they were handing them out for free, which is how I got my first mew. During this run I played it on emulator, and the emulator was sped up most of the time because I didn't want to waste my time training for 4 hours, also since I had it sped up most of the time I might be running into walls a lot and taking my time while talking to people and accidently do stuff in the battle that I wasn't aware of at the time because it was going too fast for me, so please bare with me on that. ...
