Game Boy Advance Longplay [039] Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Part 1 of 10)

Golden Sun: The Lost Age


Descripción Played by: Tsunao Camelot RPG. Picking up where Golden Sun kinda left off (right before the final Saturos and Menardi fight), follow Felix and his crew as he continues to light the lighthouses. This game is no different from the first one aside from more awesome music and Item-dependent classes. Djinn amount increased (maximum one can hold is now 9). Oh, and the password system. -_- For this longplay...or something...I just go through the game while (in no particular order): spamming Djinn kills (even on bosses except for Dullahan. It is full of troll and I hate strategizing.), spamming menu to set Djinn, spamming Avoid, even if I am not at a high level to avoid the encounters, trying to get as many hidden goodies as possible (when I felt like it since there's junk like Antidotes and Elixirs later in the game), get all Djinn, rearrange Djinn for different classes, getting lost in areas, spamming soft reset on Sunshine and Lemuria Lucky Fountain (Excali...
