Evil Dead A Fistful of Boomstick -01- Lumber Yard Boss

Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick



Here begins my walkthrough for Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick for the PS2. First time I'm playing it, and it might be a bad idea to record it now because I hear it has a few brainers and I might end up doing nothing much in some videos. But, it's a fun game and I'm starting to be in a hurry with recording, so here goes. Good thing is that before I got this game I watched Norman's unfinished walkthrough of it, so I know something about the first areas. Something about the story... on a TV show about occult and whatnot a female host plays the infamous Knowby's tape live and a portal opens with Kandarian demons coming into this world. Ash picks up his boomstick and goes hunting Deadites. ALSO, since absolutely everyone I've read or heard in written walkthroughs, written reviews and video reviews have messed up the plots of the movies and games, I'll write something about each in the following video descriptions and TRY to be one of the few who do it right, so keep reading.
