Dragon Quest IV [DS] Playthrough #076, Final Battle: Psaro the Manslayer

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen



This is video #076 in my playthrough of Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. This video does not contain commentary. To view the commentary version, click here: http://youtu.be/okI6kEVXZPw After their preparations in the previous video, the party enters Psaro's Mountain and finds Psaro the Manslayer. Uh oh, he's starting to look a lot like Estark. Many final bosses have two or three forms. Psaro has seven forms that he evolves through. The first form is pretty basic. It looks like a reddish version of Estark. Psaro will generally attack twice with his huge, overgrown swords. The basic strategy is to attack with Heorot, Alena, and Ragnar while healing with the Sage's Stone on Meena. It also helps to use Kabuff with Kiryl and have Borya cast Oomph on the physical attackers. In his second form (time index 4:03), Psaro will dispense with his right arm. He will attack once per round. Although his attacks are stronger, this form should not be any harder than the original form. In his...
