
2017-04-08 00:04:28 en 0


---------------------EXTREMLY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT -------------- Hi there, as you may have seen, these last weeks top 5 are less good than usually. In fact we have less time to look on it because of personnal projects, work, formations etc... So we've decided in a meeting we made to 'freeze' the channel for 2 monthes, allowing us to finish what we have to do, and preparing a huge comeback with different types of videos. Our objective is to come back the 3rd of may with 1 montage each week. We've already thought about 3 series and we'll rotate between them each week. One of them will consist in a montage of community plays, but now we'll have 3 weeks to have clips, allow us to have better clips quality and a real montage with more work. Two others are a surprise, but i already can tell you we'll focus on improving and high quality videos. An other point i want to tell you : Freeze the channel doesn't mean we won't work on it, and an important point we'll work on...
