Axiom Verge - Boss Battles [No Damage]

Axiom Verge

2016-07-17 00:19:01 en 0


Axiom Verge on Steam: Played on Hard Difficulty Bosses in video: 1. Xedur (0:00) 2. Telal (1:47) 3. Uruku (3:26) 4. Gir-Tab (5:21) 5. Vision (8:57) 6. Ukhu (9:51) 7. Sentinel (12:31) 8. Xedur Hul (14:42) 9. Athetos (16:12) A few notes about some of the bosses: Vision is not a real boss and you can't win that battle. That's because it's actually player who controls the boss, and AI takes control of Trace. Well, since Trace wasn't harmed it still counts as no damage, right? Sentinel: I really don't like that boss. Then he closes his eye, he starts using an almost impossible to dodge attack. The projectiles fly fast and randomly all over the screen. There is no safe spots, it can hit you from anywhere and anytime. The only thing that can help you is luck - if you're lucky enough, you won't get hit. Or you can just leave and re-enter the room to make projectiles disappear. It's a cheap tactic, but i think it's fine to use it against a cheap bo...
