Amiga Longplay Shadow of the Beast (a)

Shadow of the Beast


Descripción Played by: Kaede No savestates/autofire/speed modification used. Recorded on WinUAE 2.3.1 using an IPF image of the game. This is an average run. This was my first recording, I was doing it as a test and was not expecting it to succeed, that is why I take a weird path inside the tree near the beginning (I start with a shortcut and take a detour just after). I came close to death on a few occasions but eventually reached the end. I tried to go as fast as I could (this makes re-recording less tedious, if I had to do any), which means on a few occasions I didn't care being hit, as I knew there is a potion not too far after. I think one of the keys to success is to reach the last level with a lot of hit points: it is nearly impossible not to be hit badly there. Short opinion on the game : I originally played the game when I was rather young, I was less picky on gameplay back then. Besides, my copy of the game was cracked and it was possible to enable in...
