Age of Empires 1 Gameplay

Age of Empires

2009-09-28 00:04:59 en 0


This is my first video using fraps. I know it's not good. I"m not really good at this game and pretty much any other rpgs, but it's still fun to play. If I make another video like this, I'll make it 1 vs. 1. I accept advice so I can make even better videos. Don't worry, the quality and sound get a little better later in the video. Also, the quality is bad because I only have the free version of fraps. Maybe some day I'll get the fully licensed version of it. So enjoy and let's keep the comments appropriate. This is also a map I created, so advice for making maps better would be appreciated. 1,000 views reached : Oct-29-09 Thanks for the 1k views, huge milestone for me 100,000 views reached sometime in the beginning to mid June of 2012. Thank you so much! I really do appreciate the views =) Thanks for continuing to watch this! I never expected this many views. Even though I kind of quit on Youtube essentially, it's still great to see the continued support! 200,000 views reached some...
