18 Wheels Of Steel Across America Gameplay HD

18 Wheels of Steel: Across America

2015-07-09 00:07:26 en 0


18 Wheels Of Steel Across America Gameplay HD. 18 WoS Across America is a PC trucking simulator. This was the first game of the series and it was released in 2003. Enjoy! Game Info: This installment is very similar to Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel except that the graphics were updated, more trucks and cargo were added, and a new map was created that enables users to travel across the entire continental U.S., through 30 cities. In this version, players can choose from 30 trucks and 40+ trailers. The trucks each blow brownish colored exhaust from their stacks when their engines are operated above 2500 RPM. Time is made up of a total of 24 minutes in a day in the clock, and goes by rather quickly. You will also battle 3 AI drivers. This game focuses on the delivery of cargo. Unlike in Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel, the sleep timer was removed from the simulation. There is an improved traffic model as well as Planes, helicopters, and trains with authentic sounds. This game also feature...
