【 Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand 】 Boss 5: Azort

Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand



Translation patch by Aeon Genesis: http://agtp.romhack.net/project.php?id=ys5 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjut10T8wsbl02jXyHtmZvl_2pzrS_f_ Boss 5: Earth Demon Azort The path to the Terra Crystal is filled with many territorial dangers, but eventually Adol comes to the peak of the area. There he's impeded by a strange phantom different than the other monsters around. Though magically potent, he is able to defeat it with relative ease. Beyond it lies yet another challenge in the guardian demon of the Terra Crystal. ════════════════════════════ Azort is a toned down challenge from Hydorr and Agnihume before it. A main cause of that is probably the fact that it is rooted to the ground and its weak point has no real defense. Azort has three attacks, one of which is the only real threat. Azort's most harmful attack is when it shoots stalactites into the air to rain down onto the field. This follows Adol, and si...
