【 Ys: The Oath in Felghana 】 Boss 2: Ellefale (Nightmare Mode)

Ys: The Oath in Felghana



Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL46DC7F8B844AE769 Boss 2: Ellefale, The Azure Queen of Death Nightmare Mode Battle begins at 1:37 Adol finally reaches the mayor Edgar in the lowest part of Tigray Quarry, and after a brief introduction he is asked to investigate a strange room Edgar is unable to. Inside lies what appears to be a guardian statue. ════════════════════════════ Ellefale's attack pattern is easy to get a hold of quickly, though some of her attacks have deceptive hit boxes. Her basic attack is a horizontal slash that sends a shockwave you can jump over or walk under if you are in the air when she shoots it. Her secondary basic attack is a vertical slash that travels in a similar fashion and is easier to dodge. As her health starts to go down, she summons mini-tornadoes which have a small hit-box and slowly track you on the field, acting as the main distraction of the battle and probably the biggest d...
