Ys Seven - Final Boss, Ending and Credits (Nightmare Mode)

Ys Seven



*PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION* *SPOILERS WARNING* *JTV LIVE STREAM: http://www.justin.tv/omegaevolution *Twitter: http://twitter.com/omegaevolution Final Boss 1: Maiden of Demise: Tialuna (Battle starts @ 4:18) Well most people don't consider the eldress part of the final boss fights but considering you don't get a break after that fight I will count it as a "first form" kinda deal :v (even if its not) Anyway, the battle has a pretty neat track and Tialuna can get annoying with that curse, but thats about it. Her low HP will make her die rather fast. Final Boss 2: Root of All Existence: Rul-Ende (1st Phase @ 9:54 ; 2nd Phase @ 14:31 ; 3rd Phase @ 18:24 ) DAT TRACK! Rul-Ende's fight consist of 3 forms and you use ALL your party members in this battle, which is really neat... if everyone was useful. Sadly Dogi got stuck with 2 useless characters in the first phase. Elk can't deal damage woth crap on this boss and Mishera's homing shoot doesn't aim properl...
