Yakuza 6 Demo (Full Play) 龍が如く6 Demo

Yakuza 6

2016-01-28 00:43:01 jp 0


http://twitch.tv/jimmyqballs I will be streaming this game day one, with 100% completion, boss 1HP challenges, mastering mini-games and sub stories! Yakuza and video game fans are welcome to hang out! Here is a full play of the demo! Play at 1.25 speed for the feel of 60 FPS! Fighting in the M-Store! KIWAMI SODA POP! Haruka! Mashing for EXTRA HEAT! Obviously it's very early still. The performance and camera need a lot of work, and Kiryu's movement is very sluggish and heavy. The seamless transitions really sell the feel of being there. Graphics have come a long, long way. It's crazy to have watched this series evolve! Maybe Amon will finally be voice acted! This was my first play of it, so don't expect the best looking gameplay from it. I tried to explore a bit but this is a raw cut homeys.
