X-Com Interceptor - Superhuman Finals

X-COM: Interceptor



X-Com Interceptor, "Final Mission" on Superhuman difficulty. Filmed with a web-cam', so I appologize for the low quality. Well, it could've gone better, but I don't care. I won - on Superhuman difficulty. Game crashed several times (mostly when I was WINNING), as well as the web-cam' software. I barely managed to record this. If I didn't forget I had a cloaking unit, I could've survived 'till the Nova Bomb explosion XD 1st Battle: 2 Shades, 1 Phantasm, 3 Spectres, 4 Wraiths. 2nd Battle: Same as above, plus an Alien Base and an alien mine-field. I had 5 Super-Avenger Interceptors with 2 Phase Cannons, 2 Tracer Cannons and 4 Permeator Missile Launchers. They all also had Damage Contol Computers, Cloaking Units or Advanced ECMs, Vector Control Thrusters. Unfortunatelly, wingmen AI sucks big time, so they don't know how to use any of those systems. They only know how to fly and shoot. At least 1 of 2 Shades have to be destroyed at the beginning, or they'll blow the MacArthur up soon (or ...
