WWE 2K17 PS4/XB1 - Extreme Wrestler Damage Notion - Epic Gameplay

WWE 2K17

2016-06-04 00:06:20 en 0


In This WWE 2K17 PS4/XB1 Gameplay notion, Wrestlers take "Extreme Rules" to a whole new level with authentic ECW-esque extreme Damage. http://www.twitter.com/element2k V3 of my WWE 2K17 notions has arrived & this time it is in the form of an Extreme Damage idea. Current WWE Games do come with bleeding, however this notion brings to life the true meaning of a brutal, bloody battle. Triple H looks like he is ready for his death bed after going through the flaming table! Shoutout to GameElite for putting this mod together on short notice. Download it here http://www.elementgames.tv/wwe-2k-hhh-blood-mod-8x57 & Check out RealThemes on YouTube https://goo.gl/SxxsdU Sheamus 2016 Mod is by AJ_heelturn - find it here http://goo.gl/V4fm93 Thanks for watching, subscribe for WWE 2k17 Notions & WWE Mod Videos. Music is Onlap - out of my way http://www.youtube.com/onlapmusik Some other WWE Games content you might like: WWE 2K17 - 16 More Covers That Will Blow Your Mind https://www.youtube.com...
