Wing Commander Privateer Remake

Wing Commander: Privateer 2

2011-01-30 00:06:07 en 0


Wing Commander Privateer Remake - 1.2 Download - The Wing Commander Remake Game is a 3D open source space flight simulator. Wing Commander XP and for Mac and Linux a modification of the Vega Strike 3D open source space flight simulator that attempts to improve upon the experience and bring the spirit of the original Privateer PC game by Origin to today`s computers. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. Wing Commander Privateer Remake has spawned two main offshoots (these also use the Vega Strike engine): Privateer Gemini Gold --- forgoes some of the additional missions and content in Wing Commander Privateer Remake in favor of gameplay that is more faithful to the original Privateer PC game. Wing Commander Universe --- provides a framework for Wing Commander mods using Vega Strike and encompasses the Wing Commander game series covering the human Confederation-Kilrathi war. It is still undergoing development and includes ships fr...
