Wii Longplay [020] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part 01 of 23)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword



http://www.longplays.org Played by: Tsunao Latest Zelda game for the Wii developed by Nintendo EAD and, surprisingly, Monolith Soft (or so it is said.) This is an ACTUAL Wii Zelda game (Twilight Princess is a Gamecube Zelda game.) This is a pretty long Zelda game (it is said Twilight Princess is the longest Zelda game, but I wouldn't know since I never played it.) Follow Zelda as he flies on a giant bird to rescue a girl. A talking sword or something is involved. This game makes use of the Wii Motion Plus for all sorts of things, like attacking and aiming. When I played it the first time, I was playing it wrong (trying to use the sensor bar to move cursor and stuff.) Oh, and combat isn't your typical "spam sword = WIN!" on normal enemies. This [really long] longplay goes for 100%! This would include all Heart Pieces (and 2 Life Medals), upgrading all items (except Capacity Items. They are irrelevant.), finding all Goddess Cubes and Goddess Chests, getting all 80 Gratitude Crystal...
