Ultimate Doom - Episode 2: The Shores of Hell (Playstation 3 / Doom Classic Complete)

The Ultimate Doom



This is a complete Playthrough of Ultimate Doom - Episode 2: The Shores of Hell. Taken from my german Ultimate Doom Walkthrough: http://goo.gl/JqIEwK This is Ultimate Doom in the Ultra-Violence difficulty. Played through Doom Classic Complete on Playstation 3. Gameplay only - No commentary Here's the complete Mission List: E2M1: Deimos Anomaly E2M2: Containment Area E2M3: Refinery E2M4: Deimos Lab E2M5: Command Center E2M9: Fortress of Mystery E2M6: Halls of the Damned E2M7: Spawning Vats E2M8: Tower of Babel
