Time Crisis II playthrough (PS2)

Time Crisis II



Playthrough of story mode on normal difficulty...which you'll just have to take my word for as I didn't include the intro or option menu viewings as I usually do. Look, this was my first ever playthrough I put on Youtube, I didn't know what I was doing! Time Crisis II was released in arcades in 1997. The PS2 port was released in 2001. Namco had apparently considered porting the game to the PS1, but scrapped that idea as the machine couldn't do it justice. The PS2 port features several new game modes and features, such as a mission mode and co-op play options (achieved via split-screen or linking two consoles together). It also has more detailed graphics, but I wish there was an option to turn on the arcade game's graphics -the colors in the arcade version just seem to be more vibrant. Anyway, the actual game. TCII is much easier than the first one. First of all, you now get four life points per credit instead of three, so you've got an extra hit to take. Second, you can now always te...
