Time Crisis 4 - Stage 1-1

Time Crisis 4

2010-09-10 00:05:25 en 0


It's finally here! Here is a Time Crisis 4 / タイムクライシス4 video No Damage All Clear, while scoring over 7 million! Thanks for watching, if you like to see more, I've also made videos for the rest of the Time Crisis series here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPKczSGHRvG0j__lJpzOvvBSqWFCkDqQL and also the Point Blank series here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL296D00BE370E5062 and all of my light-gun game videos are here too - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPKczSGHRvG1tXJkGn0Kzb8TmQP9p6Ktk I've now joined patreon to help me get to more events and get more equipment to record and stream from, help fund me here - https://www.patreon.com/smraedis Please please enjoy it. This is done on the PS3 original release version, and it is not the Playstation Move version, which is coming out rather soon. Player: SMRAEDIS Date Recorded: 08 September 2010 Time Crisis 4 is currently the newest game in the Time Crisis series (if you don't count the offsho...
