The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Playthrough Part 1

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

2012-03-22 00:56:38 en 0


I haven't played this game in years. I felt like playing it again. This Playthrough will show most of the game and almost everything you can obtain in it. I am not aiming for every Figurine for the Nintendo Gallery, and I'm not aiming for all of Beedle's Memberships, as those two objectives take way too long to complete. I may show the Memberships if I have a bunch of Rupees remaining. Otherwise, I will be showing everything else the game has to offer, such as the Great Fairy locations, every Piece of Heart, and every Chart. In this part, we do some various things in Outset Island and save Tetra after she was dropped into the Forest of Fairies. Aryll also gets kidnapped and taken to Forsaken Fortress, which is where we're heading next. These are the items obtained in this part: Hero's Clothes: These are obtained by talking to Link's Grandma at the beginning of the game. They don't serve much of a use in terms of gameplay aspects, but at least Link now looks like he's ready to...
