Temple Run: Brave | Gameplay

Temple Run: Brave

2012-06-19 HD 00:05:54 en 0


You may have heard of the award winning game 'Temple Run', but today, we're bringing you some gameplay of the newer, more polished sequel, 'Temple Run: Brave'. Imangi Studios, LLC has teamed up with Disney to make this amazing sequel. The app has the same concept as the original Temple Run, except with new, much more polished graphics, an intense soundtrack to give you an adrenaline rush, as well as some sort of scary creature chasing you instead of monkeys... Much better! :-) They've also implemented a target system within the game while you're running. If you shoot the targets, you get more points towards your bar. Although the original was free, I was more than happy to pay $0.99 for this baby! :-) Well worth it! Temple Run: Brave By Disney TEMPLE RUN: BRAVE IS AN OFFICIAL APP FROM IMANGI AND DISNEY/PIXAR WITH AN ALL NEW LOOK AND NEW ARCHERY FEATURE! From Imangi, the makers of Temple Run, and Disney comes a new take on the most exhilarating app in the App Store. Join Merida from ...
