Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - [Medium - Arcade Battle] - Bob & Slim Bob Playthrough

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

2013-04-30 00:30:25 en 0


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Arcade Battle playthrough with Bob & Slim Bob. Team Speed & Weight in action! Bob discovers that gang members try to rob three kids of the money and Bob took them out to save three kids. Soon after a woman is about to fall out of the building and Bob needed a rope to use it as a giant rubber band to rescue a woman. People in the city celebrated for his Speed & Weight actions. In the subway, Slim Bob see six gangs try to steal money from an old man and took them out and he hears a woman that might hurt her legs or an ankle. Slim Bob saved but people can't tell if he got hit by a train then he came back alive and a woman gave Slim Bob a kiss for his rescue actions. He may be uncomfortable wearing a super hero suit.
