Tales of Rebirth (subbed) Veigue Side Part 111: Finale

Tales of Rebirth

2009-03-14 00:10:08 en 0


JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, I'M FINALLY DONE!!!! ...Sorry, had to get that out of my system. So what have I been doing the past two months, you ask? Well, you may be able to take a guess if you've seen the new background on my channel, but I've adopted a puppy (well, actually two puppies, but I had to find a new home for one of them) and two kittens since I put up my last video and they've been keeping me very, very busy. Plus I've been trying to get a job in this crappy economy of ours since my new furry friends are somewhat high maintenance. Throw in a little burnout, some writer's block, and my family needing me for various things and whoosh, there goes two months. Anyway, I had quite a bit of trouble interpreting some of the lines in this one, so I'm not positive that everything's accurate. Some of Veigue's lines in particular sounded weird when translated directly, so I added some stuff to help his lines flow better. Oh, and if you watch until the end, you get to hear my lame att...
