Tales of Rebirth (subbed) Claire Side Part 1: Beginning

Tales of Rebirth

2016-03-24 00:09:22 en 0


Link to fan translation project for Tales of Rebirth: http://www.talesofrebirth.altervista.... Note: I'm not directly involved with this, but we've talked. Please don't nag them about a release date either. Support would be much appreciated though, as always. ^_^ Hi all! I've finally decided to redo my old Rebirth videos, so I'll slowly be updating this playlist; the presentation is closer to that of my ToD2 vids and I have a better capture card now, so hopefully they'll look much better than my old 2007 vids. *shudders* For those of you who are new, this is a playthrough of the Japanese PS2 game Tales of Rebirth (although I'll add some PSP-specific vids later), which is currently not available in English (thanks, Bamco!). I have added English subs to the videos for your convenience so that you can understand what's going on; in the stark few instances where I knew there was an official English translation for something (e.g. Force Adepts) I've incorporated them, but otherwise the tr...
