Tales of Graces F English - Future Arc Final Boss (Future Arc Part 12)

Tales of Graces



*PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION* *SPOILERS WARNING* *JTV LIVE STREAM: http://www.justin.tv/omegaevolution *Twitter: http://twitter.com/omegaevolution Future Arc Final Boss: Fodra Queen 4 Manlik action to handle this woman :p I don't think I need to mention how considering I mentioned the Narikiri dolls and titles in most of the parts of the future arc. She is weak to petrify in her flower form, which makes Malik REALLY effective. Her 2nd form is weak to human (among other things), making Culling flare a really good spell to use as well. Once she reaches 6% of her HP she will use Dual de Sol and you can counter it and extend it by inputting commands in order to get Blue Earth. During Dual the Sol: Hold Left on the Stick (doesn't work on D-pad) + O Aquarius Sphere: Hold X Prism Stars: Hold Triangle Shining Gate: Hold Square Nova Explosion: Hold Triangle + O Maxwell Minimus: Hold Square + O + X Dimensional Material: Hold Square + O + X + Triangle Blue Earth: ...
