Streaming for my Sanity: Killer Instinct 3 (PC)

Killer Instinct 3

2017-03-01 01:56:57 en 0


Just streaming myself playing some KI3 to try and keep myself from doing dumb shit. I won't have my mic on nor will I be reading chat all that much. Just a way of giving myself something to do I guess. I'm playing on PC in case anyone wants to join me (I would play on Xbox One because my PC can barely play it, but I ran out of my Gold subscription so online is only possible via PC). Enjoy? I would like to inform viewers new and returning that negative or hurtful comments and behavior is looked down upon on my live streams. Due to unfortunate events that happened during previous streams, I have distributed mod power to those I trust with it. Dumb humor and silly comments are allowed, but personally attacking the streamer, co-host or anyone in chat is disallowed and will result in a ban.
