Star Fox: Route 1 Full Game

Star Fox



I got to thinking the other day, the original reason that I applied for Director status was because I thought it removed the 100 MB cap. Boy was I wrong, and with the exception of my Super Metroid video, I haven't made any use of my director status. So I had to find a use. Since I was in a Star Fox mood, I decided to make a full run through Star Fox SNES on route 1. I know it's easy, but it's the shortest, and one of the best routes to show off on. I looked over it time and time again, and I narrowed a few mistakes. First off, I missed the twin laser in stage 2. I remember almost starting over when I did that. In stage 3, I flew into a wall during the boss fight, dropping my shield. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Please excuse the quality, it's a little worse then usuall, had to reduce the quality a bit to stay in the 100 MB cap. Even in WMA format, the quality I shot it in still came to 170 MB.
