SPOILER! BloodRayne | Final Boss Battle + Ending




this is the final boss battle, well 2 bosses in one fight actually. but take a look. and it includes the ending as well. there are also alternate endings depending on the choices you made. mostly involving saving every villager, killing all officers, etc. - for reviews, http://drakensengreviews.blogspot.com/ for more reviews http://www.metacritic.com/user/drakenseng -I will be showing my in game settings in the beginning of each video. pc specs: monitor: 22inch lg (1680x1050) sound: Zcinema 2.1 / gamecom 780 headset (mic) pc: gateway fx4710 w/ (gtx 460 1gb msi cyclone) hdd: x1 320gb / x1 640gb / x2 2tb / x1 250gb other: xbox 360 controller wired recorder: audacity (audio) / msi afterburner (video) | dxtory (video commentary) afterburner settings: ingame 1680x1050 / compress : mjpg 100% quality. 16/9 720p setting. 30fps. editing: sony vegas pro 11 (sony avc mp4) - add me : xfire - http://www.xfire.com/profile/drakenseng raptr - http://raptr.com/drakenseng/about youtube - http://www....
