Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume I (1991) PC Playthrough - NintendoComplete

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective I

2014-06-06 01:49:15 en 0


A beginning to end playthrough of ICOM's 1991 DOS FMV mystery adventure, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Volume I. This was the first version of the game to see release in the US (ported from the original Japanese Fujitsu FM Towns version), and arguably the best version until the DVD rerelease nearly ten years later. The graphics and sound quality easily beat out the home console versions (even though the TG16 CD and the Sega CD had very respectable ports, given their respective limitations), but the mouse makes the game significantly easier to play over a D-pad driven cursor. One of the earliest true "interactive movies" on the PC that used actual video instead of hacked together still-frames, it makes for quite an interest time-capsule piece. The playthrough is not by any means perfect from the game's standpoint - the best "winning" scenario means solving the mystery with the least amount of time (actions) taken. However, I opted to ignore the score in favor of providing a ...
