Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - Maeda Keiji

Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes



READ DESCRIPTION PLEASE! WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY (add &fmt=18) RECORDED BY IAMRAUIZU. NOTE2: I'll probably stop recording other characters unless someone requests for it. Too busy with life. Note: Apparently, this game gets lag if i record. Runs really smooth without it. Didn't happen with other games i tried :( Maeda Keiji, otherwise known as Kurosaki Ichigo in Bleach, Tidus in FFX(lol), Auel Nieder in Gundam SEED Destiny, and Pang De in Shin Sangoku Musou! All vids shows the first two stages in their respective story modes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes PSP-JAP Normal Mode
