Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Episode 1 PS4 Longplay 1080p/60fps Walkthrough No Commentary

Resident Evil 2



THE BEST RESIDENT EVIL GAME SINCE RESIDENT EVIL 2 ! SHN Rating for Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Episode 1 : ★★★★★ ► Resident Evil Revelations 2 Playlist: ► Resident Evil Official Timeline: ► SHN Live on Twitch: ► Can You Survive ? Join The Community: ► Donate To SHN : EVIL IS WATCHING US! A long forgotten Island. Claire Redfield finds herself imprisoned in a cell. This sounds so familiar deja-vu from rockfort island. Someone has kidnapped her. Along with her is Barry Burtons daughter Moira Burton. What mysteries does this island hide? Could this be Alex Weskers Island facility as stated in the Lost in Nightmares files? Lets find out SHN Community in this Longplay Series. Claire Redfield returns after Code Veronica X back in the next game of the Resident Evil series, followed by the big comeback of Barry Burton and his Sandwiches jokes.
