Rayman Jungle Run - Gameplay Playthrough Part 1 | WikiGameGuides

Rayman Jungle Run

2012-09-21 HD 00:18:42 en 0


Rayman Jungle for iOS is a super fun version of Rayman where you are constantly running and have to make your way through 40 Levels. iTunes store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rayman-jungle-run/id537931449?mt=8 WikiGameGuides Steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WikiGameGuides Twitter @JohnTarrJr http://goo.gl/k1mki Twitter @ExplicitD http://goo.gl/QNnrN Facebook http://goo.gl/pAIPB Google+ http://goo.gl/sh3k3 Twitch.tv Livestreams http://goo.gl/zLjQN Subscribe to WikiGameGuides ► http://wgg.mobi/subscribe New Video Game Releases! (updated every month) ► http://wgg.mobi/new WGG on Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/wikigameguides WGG on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/WikiGameGuides Video produced by @JohnTarrJr ► https://twitter.com/JohnTarrJr Support WGG by using our Amazon Affiliate Link ► http://wgg.mobi/amazon WGG Tip Jar ► http://wgg.mobi/tips
