Rayman Gold Walkthrough: Level 21/24 - Chocolate trap

Rayman Gold

2011-09-20 00:04:48 en 0


Rayman gold level 21 chocolate trap the first of the cake levels which are imo the worst levels in the game. we meet dark rayman once again and the legend of mr. dark Rayman gold - A game for the pc released in 1997 This bundle had the original Rayman in its entirety, as well as a level editing package, known as Rayman Designer. The package contained 24 original levels, with the same gameplay but a few new concepts: now Rayman has to collect 100 Blue Tings in a level before he can finish it. A few other features were added, like colored tings that trigger special events, additional objects and a timer to show the player how fast they can complete this level. With Rayman Designer, players could make their own levels and share them with others via the Internet. enjoy the vid like sub and that shizzle -------------------------- classicgamerx11
